Fiverr Gig Image Size

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As every Fiverr user can tell you, great gig photographs increase views and clicks and generate sales. Only image optimization for Fiverr gigs isn’t enough; high-quality images and an air of professionalism with proper typography are also required.

Here, we’ll take a look at what a “gig” is. What are the requirements for official dimensions of gig pictures on Fiverr, and the details you need to know about making good gig photos? Anyone hoping to make the most of their gigs on Fiverr would do well to familiarize themselves with gig image size. You may advertise your services and attract more clients with these visuals.

If you want to increase your visibility and impact on Fiverr, I suggest you read the article to the end. So, you will get to know the relationship between Fiver gig image size and your success on the platform.

What is a Gig?

Whenever you want to sell something, you need to market it in the first place. It’s like a board on the shop with the title of a shop, along with the description related to things you can get from the shop.

The gig is similar to the board on the shop, but the only difference is the platform. When you sell things on a digital platform, you design a board or a template that lists your services on it. That template is called Gig.

In your Gig, you are able to show your skills to potential clients and provide them with all the details they might like to know before they hire you. 

What Should Be the Fiverr Gig Image Size?

Fiverr gig images should be 1280 × 769 pixels, with a range of 712 x 430 to 4000 x 2416 pixels based on the guide presented in 2024. Make your gig pictures of 1280 × 769 pixels for best desktop and mobile visibility at 72 DPI. 

The minimal image size for Fiverr gigs is 712 by 430 pixels. 

Tip: Save your designed templates and images in JPEG or PNG format for compatibility.

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What are the Gig Image Requirements on Fiverr?

Fiverr is a freelancing platform where 1000s of freelancer sell their services. To maintain the credibility and uniformity of the platform, Fiverr has given the guidelines for Gig Images. The image must show clear visuals, proper typography, and neat with no badges and logos.

All the points are clearly jotted down below for your better understanding so you can excel at creating your own Gig Images for Fiverr.

1. Excellent Detail and Readability

Use high-resolution images that are clean, sharp, and eye-catching to entice possible buyers. The color contrasts should given excellent readability and must not look fuzzy or excessively stretched.

2. Individualized Images

Carefully ensure that you only use photographs for which you have formal authorization. Use care while working with stock images, even though they are not subject to royalties.

3. Sidestepping Ineffective Strategies

Make sure only to use relevant images that link to your service appropriately. Cancellations and confusion among potential buyers could result from inaccurate content.

4. Connect Clearly

It is essential to have a clear and visible shot of your face when inserting a photo of yourself. So, please make sure that the photo you choose truly represents you.

5. Remove Badges

You don’t need to add logos, ratings, or seller level to your gigs on Fiverr because the platform automatically incorporates badges.

6. Keep Secret Information Out

Keep all personal information, including contact details, completely out of your gig photos.

7. Cut Down on Text

Include all necessary details in your Fiverr gig description. Keep text on gig photos to a minimum.

Ways for Making Eye-Catching Fiverr Gig Photos

When opting for any platform, understanding its basics is as crucial as agreeing to its terms and conditions. Using these strategies, you can perfectly fit your Fiverr Gig Image Size for the platform. 

a) Opt for Image Optimization

Create images that are appropriate for the media first. Photos must adhere to the suggested pixel dimensions and be mobile- and desktop-friendly.

b) Make Use of Original Photographs

Always always and always use clear and copyrighted visuals. Add a personal touch to your image by using the original images of your work and face for your Gig. Therefore, not only get clients but also stay creative on the platform.

c) Concise Gig Description

The description is another part of the story. Your description will add value to your hiring process. Be consistent and concise on the Gig descriptions. Use points and bullets to list your services and make the whole template clean and neat.


How you represent yourself and sell yourself must be professionalized to be the best on the platform. High-quality images and a clean interface to showcase your services are important to grab and attract clients.

Never go for the complicated design for your Fiverr gig image size and add multiple long points. This will reduce your chance of hiring and loose the client’s interest. 


1. How do I design my gig photo?

 Your gig picture should have either you or your work professionally done. The outfit must correspond with your job. Get decent lighting and focus. Avoid background clutter and distractions. 

2. Can I use stock photos for my gig?

Instead of using standard photographs, develop custom ones for your gig. Stock pictures may suggest your work is generic or copied. Original images let you authentically portray yourself and your products. Obtain permission before using non-original photos.

3. How do I get a good headshot for my photo? 

Make eye contact with the camera lens from a simple angle for your gig headshot. Make sure your face is unobstructed. Use front-lit natural light and reduce background clutter. Look neutral or friendly. Touch up to crop closer and improve clarity.

4. What file type and size should I use for my gig photo?

For gig photographs, Fiverr suggests JPEG or PNG due to compatibility. The lowest pixel size is 712×430, although 1280×769 is ideal. Resize and save at 72 dpi for smooth viewing. Large photo files may load slowly.